Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

We love hearing feedback from our wonderful customers. Here is what some if them had to say about our products when we met them:


"I love the mushroom's and I'm back again for the umpteenth time"

- Barry, Taunton 


"Monument Mushroom's, lovely mushrooms! I always make sure to come to the markets and visit them to get my mushrooms. They're good guys as well!"

- Bill, Taunton 


"Very professional. Great tasting products, served with a smile and always helpful with recipes and ideas"

- Claire, Wellington 


"The variety and taste of mushrooms is fantastic. The selection boxes are well worth their money! You get to taste mushrooms that you'd never find in a supermarket" 

- Martin, Wellington 


"We love the mushrooms, we come back every month because we love to have them on our toast" 

- Wendy, Taunton


"Absolutely amazing selection of the freshest mushrooms you would ever wish to see, and some very unusual one's too; Lion's Mane and the King Oyster's in particular"

- Steph, Wellington 


"You're the only reason I came to Taunton Independent Market today, to get some really nice mushrooms" 

- Melissa, Taunton


"Our youngest son is autistic, and has been pretty much sub-verbal since he was tiny. We got chatting to Patch from Monument Mushrooms at Bridgwater Independent Market, and he was talking about the Lion's Mane tincture so we thought we'd give it a go and it's been amazing! He (our son) has actually been forming sentences, babbling, singing, talking etc. It's incredible and I've been recommending it to everyone who I meet that might need that bit of extra support in the brain"

- Jenny, Taunton 


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